This site was made by us, to provide a good overview over the quality of various bicycle parts sourced from Aliexpress, Taobao, eBay and similiar marketplaces which lists mostly non-brand manufacturers. The rating systems of the those sites is usually unreliable, as a lot of reviews might be fake, outdated or very unspecific. Also, Aliexpress in particular only allows reviews for a very brief period after the sale, so long-term reviews and longetivity are not easily estimated.
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Great cargo bike for a great price point compared to the alternative. Easy to transport 2 children between 5-10 years. More in a blog post soon.


Works. Already ordered a second batch for frequent maintenance.

For this price great!
- warm! depend on the jersey or base layer it's my winter jacket for about -5º-8ºC
- Pockets!
- dirt protection for the back
A little ugly/unfashioned, but in winter there is nobody to see me anyways.

- Great shorts, fits good, no problems.
- Has small pockets - Great to put phone into or stuff you need at the moment, like waste from your food, energy bar.

Nice made HQ jersey!
- Lots of pockets, with zip too!
- Perfect for about 7º-15ºC, lower Cº with vest ok, too. My fav. cold-season jersey for now.

- Great comfort compared to 2 cheaper "3d-printed" style saddles I tried.
- very grippy, so less sliding on it, which is like
- Also suitable for "heavier" riders (85kg), other 3d-printed were too soft and you always sat on the cover underneath
- Note: My seatpost (EC90) has one screw that needs to be tightened from above, I could fit my hex key through the mesh and did not break anything, as the mesh is made of elastic/gummy material

Good kit, helped me enormously routing cables and hydraulic hoses through frame and handlebar. Includes a magnet and several routing cables, as well as a brake hose puller.

The padding seems thick at first but is split in half in the middle which causes a crease around the buttcrack, getting in every time you get up even without sweat The leg rubber bands are way too strong and tight causing additional discomfort. The suspenders are not the most breathable, but they are at least very stretchy and comfortable
I would not recommend these bibs given the great alternatives you can get for just a little more money.

Great (light) winter shorts. It's hard to find bib shorts for colder days, that are a little bit padded. I really like those, as I totally don't like long bibs in the winter, as I fell them to be uncomfy and too tight. I rather like "winter" bibs with 1 or 2 layers of tights instead which gives you a better flexibility.
I would use this short between about -3º-12ºC. If colder, then I would need another layer or a shorter (~1h) ride. Also, Decathlon seems to be doing sales of those shorts sometimes, so I think, I got those for about 40-50 EUR.

Great mesh layer. Using it for years and reorder several sizes (short/long sleeve)

- crap, the inner valve core was totally toast and I was unable to unscrew it, even using pliers
- Just buy quality Schwalbe, which are also not too expensive anyways.

- Very light, comfy
- temperature point for me: -2ºC - 10ºC perfect.
- rode it all winter, after 1-2 season it is a little bit worn/teared, so I already bought a second pair.

- Both valve types work for a minipump on the way
- installable below bottle cages
- The pressure/manometer is a little bit useless, as it does not bring you confidence and is very very coarse. Also, the hand is a little bit loose, so if you install the minipump on your bottle cages, the hand will rattle most of the time. So can recommend BUT take the model without manometer!


- good water proof material
- quality straps, which are gentle to the frame
- only a little bit too big for my smaller frame size, So I needed to use smaller bottles or move the bottle cages further down.

works. Nothing bad or good too tell.

- good bag, also works on my smaller frame sizes and does not rub on the back wheel (172cm height)
- water proof, only disadvantage is, there is no valve or so, so you have to press out all the air in order to reduce the bag size.

- nice color options
- Fits, works

- In the beginning after installation, it was spinning great, BUT after only 100-200km it started become rough already
- For this price point, you can already get 2x Shimano BB, but being forced to use SRAM DUB, I tried this one, total failure, which is why I got back to Shimano
I think I made no mistake while installing it, because now with the Shimano BB it works great, also with the previous, cheaper ZTTO it worked also for 1,500km. So I can NOT recommend this one.

- okish bar tap, nothing exceptional
- surface feel is not the best: very foamy.
- grippy enough, so I will keep it for now until it is dirty.

- Great and comfy cap, I weared it all winter,
- great size (big enough for my head, not the case with every cap)
- warm, overear.
- criminally cheap :)

Good gloves! Already my 2nd pair from Rockbros.

Simple piece of alu, with bolts included. So you can adjust the height of the bottle cages.
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We love new bike tech and follow bike brands extensively. Riding bike can be a very price intensive thing, but it can be made more accessible by saving some money, and spend it on the parts that matter mostly for you. After a couple of thousand kilometers, most buyer can determine the quality themself. YouTubers, like TraceVelo already have a successful history with using cheaper parts from Aliexpress or eBay. To crowdsource those experiences, we've made this site, to seperate the wheat from the chaff. To be honest, there is also a lot of crap or mediocre stuff out there, but at the same time you can find reliable and quality stuff.